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Comprehensive Fire Restoration Services

22nd July 2024 Property 0
Fire restoration services from The Independent Supplier Network

Experiencing a fire in your home or business can be devastating. Not only does it cause significant structural damage, but it also leaves behind ash, soot and lingering smoke odour. At Independent Supplier Network, they understand the stress and emotional toll a fire can take. Their specialised fire restoration services aim to return your property to its original condition swiftly and efficiently.

Immediate Response is Crucial

The first step in effective fire restoration is a rapid response. The sooner the Independent Supplier Network (ISN) team arrives on the scene, the better they can minimise secondary damage. This quick action helps prevent further deterioration of your property and contents. Additionally, ISN’s trained professionals are equipped to handle any size of fire damage, ensuring that even the smallest detail is addressed promptly.

Comprehensive Assessment and Planning

Once on-site, INS technicians can conduct a thorough assessment of the damage. This includes identifying structural issues, checking for hazardous materials, and assessing the extent of soot and smoke damage. Following this assessment, they create a detailed restoration plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan ensures all necessary steps are taken to restore your property efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, ISN works closely with your insurance company to streamline the claims process, reducing your burden during this challenging time.

Fire damaged preoperty

Effective Fire Damage Cleaning

Fire damage goes beyond visible destruction. Ash and soot can infiltrate every nook and cranny, causing ongoing damage if not properly cleaned. ISN’s team uses specialised equipment to remove all traces of soot and ash from surfaces. ISN also address water damage caused by firefighting efforts, ensuring no moisture is left to cause mould growth. Additionally, their advanced cleaning techniques prevent long-term damage to your property, preserving its value and structural integrity.

Thorough Smoke Odour Removal

Smoke odour will linger long after the fire is extinguished. We utilise advanced deodorization techniques to eliminate these odours. This ensures your property smells fresh and clean, with no reminders of the fire. Moreover, our team is trained to identify and address hidden sources of smoke odour, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting solution.

Restoration of Contents

Independent Supplier Network understands that personal belongings and business assets are valuable. Our team carefully assesses all items affected by the fire to determine what can be salvaged. We use specialised cleaning methods to restore items such as furniture, electronics, documents, and artwork. Items that can be saved are taken to our decontamination unit for thorough cleaning. We also offer secure storage for your belongings during the restoration process, providing peace of mind and ensuring their safety.

Indpendent Supplier Network can also restore your contents if they are repairable.

Structural Repairs and Renovation

Fire can weaken structural elements of your property, making repairs essential. ISN’s skilled technicians perform all necessary structural repairs, from replacing drywall to rebuilding entire sections of the property. They handle everything from carpentry and plumbing to electrical work and painting. Their goal is to restore your property to its pre-fire condition, or better. They also ensure that all repairs meet current building codes and standards, enhancing the safety and …

Loss Assessors

5th December 2023 Insurance Property 0
Loss Assessors can help manage your insurance claim.

It is very common for people to have a lack of knowledge about what loss assessors do. People tend to struggle to tell the difference between them and a loss adjuster. It is very common for this to happen. One of the main differences is that the policyholder hires a loss assessor. Whereas, the insurance company hires a loss adjuster.

Why Do Insurance Companies Hire Loss Adjusters?

Insurance company’s hire a loss adjuster when a policyholder has made a large insurance claim. This is because insurance companies are hesitant to pay out large settlements. They will look to try and get the lowest payout possible for the policyholder. It is easy to think that a loss adjuster is going directly against your best interests. This is why you should get a loss assessor to fight in your corner.

Why Should You Hire A Loss Assessor?

Loss assessor’s deal with the insurance company on the policyholder’s behalf. They also manage the policyholder’s claim from start to finish. This means that they deal with every aspect of the claim for you. Anything from the paperwork to surveying the property. It is their job to talk with the insurance company to get you the best settlement possible.

Loss assessors are great negotiators. It is never a bad idea to have someone to help you in your claim that can haggle the insurance company in your favour. They will make sure that your claim is realistic and accurate. They will also ensure that the insurance company will pay out a fair amount. Loss assessors have only your best interests in mind. This is because they are the only party in the insurance claims process that acts on your behalf.

When Is The Best Time To Hire A Loss Assessor?

During insurance claims, many people only decide to hire a loss assessor when they need one. For example, if something were to go wrong in your claim. This may mean that you have hired one too late in your claims process. The reality is that things often do go wrong in insurance claims. So, it would be a great idea to hire a loss assessor early in your claim. The earlier the better.

Why should you hire loss assessors

It will only increase your chances of getting a successful claim. You won’t have to deal with the insurance company as your loss assessor will deal with them for you. This means that the policyholder won’t be under as much stress. Allowing you to get on with your life in the process. Loss assessors are experts in insurance claims. Thus, things are less likely to go wrong and give you a better chance of getting a higher settlement.

If something were to go wrong with your claim then it is hard for them to build a case. For you to get the best settlement you should appoint a loss assessor early. As early as you know you are about to put in a claim. This gives them ample time to prepare a …